I have completed training in

  • ABT (Advanced Brain Technologies) Listening Program®

  • Therapeutic Listening®

I was first introduced, as a consumer, to music based or sound therapy in 1999 and what it could offer by a highly respected and experienced colleague of mine, Veronica Steer, Occupational Therapist. At that point SAMONAS Sound Therapy was suggested and used where there were identified auditory processing challenges. Later we were introduced to ABT (Advanced Brain Technologies) The Listening Program.

Seeing and experiencing the personal gains from ABT Listening Program, I decided to undertake training in this auditory based intervention so it could be part of what I offered to my clients. It was seen to support and compliment the approaches I used in therapy and has its premise in neuroplasticity. It provides consistent, graded and reliable auditory input and in doing so, it acts to strengthen the neural pathways that process and interpret auditory input.

The ABT Listening Program was designed as a home based program. With the instruction and support of a trained provider, families can easily implement it at home. Most families who have used the program have reported benefits to their child’s well-being and development.

Further information on ABT Listening Program and research of effectiveness can be obtained from: advanced.brain.com or  links2learning.com.au

I chose to also train in Therapeutic Listening® when Sheila Frick, OTR travelled to Australia from USA in 2009 to present and train therapists in the program she had developed. I completed an update training in 2017.

Sheila Frick, OTR developed Therapeutic Listening® to be used in with other sensory integrative techniques as part of a comprehensive program that addresses the individual’s sensory processing needs. It can be used within therapy sessions as well as at home or in a child’s educational setting with the support and direction of a trained therapist.

Further information on Therapeutic Listening® and research of effectiveness can be obtained from: vitallinks.com

Both ABT Listening Program® and Therapeutic Listening® require special equipment and headphones to be purchased by the family before these programs can be implemented.

Specifics and costs involved can be discussed with me should families be interested.

Both programs allow a trained therapist to devise a program to suit individual needs.

I have found through my  work that families have generally reported benefits to their child and each program has it’s place. By having 2 options available I can discuss with families which might suit their situation better should they be interested in using a sound therapy program to compliment and support the child or individual’s overall sensory processing and/or integration. There are many different improvements that may occur and can be reported by families or the individual whilst doing sound therapy. These can vary from one child or individual to the next.

Sometimes it may become apparent to the family that a parent and/or a sibling is experiencing similar challenges with auditory processing or that they have auditory sensitivity. It may be that the program might benefit more than one family member and this can be explored should the family wish to.